Our Custom Services

At Subject·Object, we believe jewelry is more than just an accessory; it's a personal talisman, a keeper of stories, and a marker of moments. That's why we offer custom services tailored to celebrate your unique journey. Whether you're commemorating a special ceremony, breathing new life into an heirloom, or simply seeking something that's exclusively yours, we're here to craft your story into something tangible.

Our commitment goes beyond crafting the pieces of jewelry. We promise an unconventional approach that intertwines with our core values of equity, sustainability, and providing alternative options to the status quo. We're not just about creating something beautiful; we're about making a difference, challenging norms, and embracing the unique stories of each individual who comes our way.

Ceremonial Jewelry

For those moments that change everything, we offer Ceremonial Jewelry. This service is designed for your unique celebrations, those once-in-a-lifetime days that deserve more than off-the-shelf. Think of it as custom pieces for life's big leaps—crafted to honor your personal rituals and milestones. Any ritual or ceremony or moment that matters deeply to you, we're here to create a piece that encapsulates the essence of your occasion.

When you choose Ceremonial Jewelry: You're embarking on a collaborative journey. We'll explore what makes your story unique, translating your personal narrative into a piece that's as significant as the day itself. This isn't about following traditions; it's about creating your own.

Reworking of Existing Jewelry

Our Reworking service breathes new life into pieces that hold memories but no longer reflect your style. It's a transformation, a way to carry forward the sentiment of past jewels into something that resonates with who you are today. This service is about honoring the past while embracing the present, creating a bridge between memories and current expressions.

When you select Reworking Existing Jewelry: You're trusting us with your memories. We treat each piece with reverence, engaging in a dialogue about what those pieces mean to you and how we can transform them into something that continues to tell your story, in a way that feels right, right now.

Custom Jewelry, Just Because

Sometimes, you want something that's purely you, without the occasion. Our Custom Jewelry service is for those "just because" moments—because you deserve a piece that reflects your uniqueness. This is about bringing your dream piece to life, whether it's an idea that's been in your heart for years or a sudden spark of inspiration.

Choosing Custom Jewelry, Just Because: Means starting with a blank canvas. We'll discuss what inspires you, the elements you're drawn to, and how you want to feel wearing your piece. It's a creative partnership, resulting in a one-of-a-kind piece that's as individual as you are.